A frontline teacher with 18 years sharp end experience, currently based in Valencia. This shop specialises in literature and language resources but also offers a generous selection ESL resources. All of my resources are road tested in my own classes and refined/polished at the end of the academic year.
A frontline teacher with 18 years sharp end experience, currently based in Valencia. This shop specialises in literature and language resources but also offers a generous selection ESL resources. All of my resources are road tested in my own classes and refined/polished at the end of the academic year.
A thorough and complete presentation, beautifully illustrated and engaging for the students. Starter, main body, extension task and plenary. This presentation also includes summary and analysis questions and remains focused towards the AO assessment criterias.
These presentations are beautifully illustrated and very engaging for the students. They contain a starter, a recap on previous learning, a slide containing key words and phrases, summary and analysis questions, an academic writing task, an extension task and a plenary - in every presentation.
All tasks are structured with the AOs in mind, and all materials have been 'road tested' in my own classes.
If you are part of a language school or a professional language tutor, the ‘ESL Language B2 Intermediate’ course (created by Michael Flynn) is an invaluable set of resources that will literally save you hours as well as positively promoting your brand or reputation within the teaching market place.
This dynamically presented interactive PowerPoint lesson (Idioms) caters for B2 Intermediate students who are studying English as a second language. This 55-slide lesson provides approximately 90 minutes teaching time and includes - Lesson instructions for the students and a personal message from the academic author, a starter activity and 3 assessment tests. This is a complete resource. There is no additional work required from the teacher. Enjoy!
This presentation is very detailed, and creatively illustrated to appeal to the students. This particular powerpoint contains, a starter activity, recaps on previous learning, has summary and analysis questions in the main body, an extension task and a plenary. All of my presentations have been tested and refined in class.
These days, we tend to type and text as opposed to write. Grammar, spelling and punctuation is given less importance on the social media platforms that we communicate on. However, secure levels of written and spoken literacy still hold significant purpose when studying English. This PowerPoint test helps you to measure the overall literacy of a new class or tutoring client, and has proven to be an invaluable tool in the formation and strategy of future lessons.
This dynamically illustrated PowerPoint quiz contains a total of 43 slides broken up into 4 very different rounds of questions. This is a complete resource with no additional work required from the teacher. Enjoy! All the answers are supplied too.
If you are part of a language school or a professional language tutor, the ‘ESL Language B2 Intermediate’ course (created by Michael Flynn) is an invaluable set of resources that will literally save you hours as well as positively promoting your brand or reputation within the teaching market place.
This dynamically presented interactive PowerPoint lesson caters for B2 Intermediate students who are studying English as a second language. This 45-slide lesson provides approximately 90 minutes teaching time and includes - Lesson instructions for the students and a personal message from the academic author, a starter activity, an opening test to measure existing knowledge, 5 language techniques to help and interpret phrasal verbs, 3 role play exercises, a series of speaking and listening tasks, a final assessment to measure the learning provided in the lesson, a review of teaching effectiveness and a plenary.
This is a complete professional resource. There is no additional work required from the teacher. Enjoy.
If you are part of a language school or a professional language tutor, the ‘ESL Language B2 Intermediate’ course (created by Michael Flynn) is an invaluable set of resources that will literally save you hours as well as positively promoting your brand or reputation within the teaching market place.
This dynamically presented interactive PowerPoint lesson (Headline and Captions) caters for B2 Intermediate students who are studying English as a second language. This 38-slide lesson provides approximately 90 minutes teaching time and includes - Lesson instructions for the students and a personal message from the academic author, a starter activity, headlines and captions used in other media formats discussion tasks, the six leading conventions of headlines questions, 3 x reading and creative headline tasks based around dynamic media clips, 2 x listening tasks connected to the (sometimes) manipulative nature of captions, a formal assessment test based on the content of this lesson, an extension task to review the teaching and resource effectiveness of this specific lesson and of course, a plenary.
This is a complete professional resource. There is no additional work required from the teacher. Enjoy!
If you are part of a language school or a professional language tutor, the ‘ESL Language B2 Intermediate’ course (created by Michael Flynn) is an invaluable set of resources that will literally save you hours as well as positively promoting your brand or reputation within the teaching market place.
This dynamically presented interactive PowerPoint lesson (Questioning Words and Ending Sentences) caters for B2 Intermediate students who are studying English as a second language. This 51-slide lesson provides approximately 90 minutes teaching time and includes - Lesson instructions for the students and a personal message from the academic author, a starter activity and 3 assessment tests. This is a complete resource. There is no additional work required from the teacher. Enjoy!
The Functional Skills qualification provides reliable evidence of a learner’s achievements against demanding content that is relevant to a generic workplace. This PowerPoint lesson covers the assessment focus of E1.1 and E1.2 (The Alphabet and Understanding Basic Information) This specific resource has been road tested in my own classroom and has proved to be very successful with students of all ages.
This lesson contains 36 slides and includes: a starter activity, an assessment of existing knowledge, a development task, a homework assignment and a plenary. This is a complete resource with no further work required from the teacher. Enjoy!
The Functional Skills qualification provides reliable evidence of a learner’s achievements against demanding content that is relevant to a generic workplace. This PowerPoint lesson covers the assessment focus of E1.3 (Following Instructions and the use of Capital Letters) This specific resource has been road tested in my own classroom and has proved to be very successful with students of all ages.
This lesson contains 14 slides and includes: a starter activity, an assessment of existing knowledge, a development task, a homework assignment and a plenary. This is a complete resource with no further work required from the teacher. Enjoy!
The Functional Skills qualification provides reliable evidence of a learner’s achievements against demanding content that is relevant to a generic workplace. This PowerPoint lesson covers the assessment focus of spelling from the Annexe B Word Bank. This specific resource has been road tested in my own classroom and has proved to be very successful with students of all ages. This lesson contains three spelling tests with rules, marking schemes, a homework assignment and a plenary. This is a complete resource with no further work required from the teacher. Enjoy!
The Functional Skills qualification provides reliable evidence of a learner’s achievements against demanding content that is relevant to a generic workplace. This PowerPoint lesson covers the assessment focus of E1.4 (Asking Questions This specific resource has been road tested in my own classroom and has proved to be very successful with students of all ages.
This lesson contains 21 slides and includes: a starter activity, an assessment of existing knowledge, a development task, a homework assignment and a plenary. This is a complete resource with no further work required from the teacher. Enjoy!
The Functional Skills qualification provides reliable evidence of a learner’s achievements against demanding content that is relevant to a generic workplace. This PowerPoint lesson covers the assessment focus of E1.5 ‘Responding to Questions). This specific resource has been road tested in my own classroom and has proved to be very successful with students of all ages. This lesson contains 18 illustrate slides and includes: a starter activity, questions which help the students form structured responses, questions that foster understanding and interpretation, a mini-plenary, an extension task, a homework assignment and an end plenary. This is a complete resource with no further work required from the teacher. Enjoy!
The Functional Skills qualification provides reliable evidence of a learner’s achievements against demanding content that is relevant to a generic workplace. This PowerPoint lesson covers the assessment focus of E1.7 (Understand and participate in simple discussions or exchanges with another person about a straightforward topic.). This specific resource has been road tested in my own classroom and has proved to be very successful with students of all ages. This lesson contains 12 illustrated slides and includes: a starter activity, a series of short to midrange discussion topics and prompts, a development task, a homework assignment and a plenary. This is a complete resource with no further work required from the teacher. Enjoy!
The Functional Skills qualification provides reliable evidence of a learner’s achievements against demanding content that is relevant to a generic workplace. This PowerPoint lesson covers the assessment focus of spelling from the Annexe B Word Bank. This specific resource has been road tested in my own classroom and has proved to be very successful with students of all ages. This lesson contains three spelling tests with rules, marking schemes, a homework assignment and a plenary. This is a complete resource with no further work required from the teacher. Enjoy!
The Functional Skills qualification provides reliable evidence of a learner’s achievements against demanding content that is relevant to a generic workplace. This PowerPoint lesson covers the assessment focus of E1.12 (Personal Pronouns). This specific resource has been road tested in my own classroom and has proved to be very successful with students of all ages. This lesson contains 23 illustrated slides and includes: a starter activity, dynamic slides with punctuation challenges, a micro assessment, an extension task and a plenary. This is a complete resource with no further work required from the teacher. Enjoy!
The Functional Skills qualification provides reliable evidence of a learner’s achievements against demanding content that is relevant to a generic workplace. This PowerPoint lesson covers the assessment focus of E1.13 (Use a capital letter for the personal pronoun ‘I’ and the first letter of proper nouns.). This specific resource has been road tested in my own classroom and has proved to be very successful with students of all ages. This lesson contains 20 illustrated slides and includes: a starter activity, dynamic slides with punctuation challenges, a micro assessment, an extension task and a plenary. This is a complete resource with no further work required from the teacher. Enjoy!
The Functional Skills qualification provides reliable evidence of a learner’s achievements against demanding content that is relevant to a generic workplace. This PowerPoint lesson covers the assessment focus of E1.11 (Punctuate simple sentences with a capital letter and a full stop). This specific resource has been road tested in my own classroom and has proved to be very successful with students of all ages. This lesson contains 17 illustrate slides and includes: a starter activity, dynamic slides with punctuation challenges, a micro assessment, an extension task and a plenary. This is a complete resource with no further work required from the teacher. Enjoy!
These presentations are very detailed, and creatively illustrated to appeal to the students. These powerpoints contain, a starter activity, recaps on previous learning, summary and analysis questions in the main body, an extension task and a plenary. All of my presentations have been tested and refined in class.